I'm starting a new collection of 40th Birthday cards. Maybe I'll even frame them and put them in my home office. That is, after I get around to creating the home office -- I still have a couple of "to-do's" there.
Here are two that caught my eye this week as I was walking up Madison Avenue.
The 1970 yearbook card that I found in the corner stationery store (I also picked up gold stars and lottery tickets) is a compilation of 1970 trivia. Did you know that the first New York Marathon was held in 1970? How about the cost of a gallon of milk? $1.32. Harvard tuition? $2,400. NPR was founded in 1970. The winning word in the National Spelling Bee? "Croissant." The life expectancy in 1970? 70.8 years (is that if you were born in 1970 or if you were already living in 1970, because I'm planning on living longer than that.) Lastly, the US unemployment rate? 6.1% (All this, again, is according to a greeting card from Seek Publishing.)
I found the other card in Phoebe Cates' shop, Blue Tree - a real treasure trove of finds. On the cover is "40ish", which says it all. That's how old I plan to be for a long, long time.
This a really fun and entertaining blog. I'm look forward to seeing the different type of 40th Birthday cards you collect over the next 12 months. Maybe you should consider doing a small art show of them. Good luck with your blog! -Felicia