These images are from Country Living, which I'm rather enamored with these days. I'm thinking this New Year's Eve birthday bash could be black-tie casual...something like this:

With the house already decorated for Christmas, decor can be kept to a minimum...but I might add a fabulous vintage-looking banner by the talented Jerusalem Greer (Storia Home at She can customize anything you want - here's a Merry Christmas banner, but I can easily imagine "Happy Birthday."

Or some party poms (Party Poms shop at

Lots of great New Year's eve party hats and noisemakers, with a special hat for the birthday girl or boy. And for food...bring on my fancy (but easy) favorites: pigs in blankets, mountains of shrimp with spicy cocktail sauce, filet of beef on bread with horseradish cream, and smoked salmon on pumpernickel bread. Veuve Clicquot champagne...

As the countdown to midnight begins...have a friend at the ready with a fabulous cake fitted with these sparklers from (I found mine at ABC Carpet and Home in NYC)...

The countdown ends with a big "Happy Birthday" and...hopefully...someone to kiss!